Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Cub Day Camp

Cub Day Camp is awful.
I go into shooting sports as staff, and within two days, it has taken it all out of me.
So I successfully took a break and am resuming my desolate blog.

In other news, I am reading the book The Golden Ratio by Mario Livio. As most readers of this blog should know by now, I aspire to be a Renaissance man: a true philosopher, or lover of wisdom. This book quenches my insatiable thirst.
The book is about the most astonishing number known to humanity, φ (or Phi), the ratio of the whole to the larger as the larger to the smaller, or put another way, x^2=1+x. Phi pops up everywhere, from botany, to art, to geometry, to optics, to galaxies.

I have no idea when I will post again.

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