Friday, October 16, 2009

Stereotyping in School

Today we had a spirit day for the games that go on on Fridays. It happened to be "nerd" day. So, everyone dressed in their taped-up HUGE glasses, suspenders, wore their really long socks and whatnot. Now, if you know me at all, then you know that I am a hacker, and proud of it. Hackers are the cool nerds that help people and look really flipping good doing it. Our culture evolved from the so-called "nerds" that everyone brought back from the dead (I mean the 80's). We invented your Internet, your Facebook, your MySpace and your addiction to texting. We are innovating the future. I am tired of it and we deserve the respect due to us.
Questions? Am I wrong? Comment!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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