That was the ice on the front windshield this morning. Pretty cool.
So I am walking down the busport right now, and I totally passed a condom. Yeah. Just throw that crap away. Ih liek, fitty feet from teh do'. Come on. Ha, double entendre.
The rest of the day is just as weird.
First block I definitely had to steal a math book to look up how to graph rational functions(bluh) and I then made a complete freaking nerd of myself (sounds normal to me) by writing my notes in freaking Python. I bet none of your notes have Python. My notes are freaking binary compatible, bitch.
So, next block, Graphics Design:
John Egbert shows us how it's done, when
he finds out that he is not drinking apple juice.
So I forgot my password. Now, this would normally be some normal thing, just go to the media center, ask to get your password changed, whoop de freaking do. But that was last Friday. TODAY i had to go down there after I tried every password I could and wait for the people to call Mr. Bailey over at the Board to get it changed because I am on the Internet watchlist. If you want to know, click the link.
Back? Good. I will never tell you.
So today I was talking to Shelby about my blog and how I'm going to have large updates every day, so she made a blog over at Holy God This Coconut Is Huge (that's a mouthful)(DOUBLE ENTENDRE x2 COMBO!). So that got her friends to make a blog. So I have to mention all these people.
What really scares me is that I have all this power over peers. Or that blogs are just a damn good idea.
So I need an award for:
- using my political superpowers for good and not evil
- putting up with general bullshit
- and existing.
This blog does not help the ego at all.
Omgosh, this is the 30th post. PARTY TIME!
Omgosh, this is the 30th post. PARTY TIME!
Yo dude It's Meggie, I made a blog toooo
Coollliiiooo I see you're jumping on the blogwagon with shelby and everone else, yo. Good for you guys!
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