Monday, November 5, 2007

Nov. 5th : Founding Day

Today was really productive, which is really odd for me. I finished two requirements for Citizenship, which means two steps toward Life rank.

Anyway, I hope this can get me organized. if you have any tips, that could seriously help me.

I think, starting today, I will create or post a nonsense word and post it's definition. I am a great forger of words. Here's today's:

centrianthropyrohomophobiology (sen tree an throw pi roh hoe moe fo bi ology) the study of the fear of self-centered homosexual people who have spontaneously combusted.

I ALWAYS get a kick out of that.

the Beginning.... ooooh, aaaaaahhhh

Myspace. Boy Scouts. School. Gifted program. So much pressure. Whats a teen to do?
Hopefully, this should help straighten out the answers. The laughs, the cries, the anger, the relief, all recorded as an online journal as to remind adults of how hard and cluttered our lives are. Learn from my mistakes, post, and maybe I'll learn from yours.
Empty it out. We're listening.