Saturday, March 12, 2011

Accelerate. (Part 1)

I can't do this crap anymore.
But It's going to feel so good outside. Now where are those socks... ah, there they are.
Mom, I'm going outside.
God, that Emily girl is a stalker. It's so gross how she likes me and she's not even in middle school. It's a lie, I'm not that attractive. I guess I'll go around the back so she doesn't catch any glimpses. Weirdo.
I have to hit those logs every time. I don't know why. Wow, I've gotten faster. Wow, I've gotten faster.
How much horizontal distance did I get there? Had to be around two yards. That's crazy. I didn't even think I could ever do that.
Oh, there's the sign. Am I going over it? Hell, why not. Dear sweet Jesus, too much speed, don't want to trip once I hit the ground. Hop over the stream, and I'm on the sidewalk.
Now let's see how fast I can really go.
It doesn't seem as fast. And boy, I'm out of breath, I shouldn't have taken that week long break. Oh, no, who are those girls? They look like people I know. I'm too tired to continue at full speed. Ugh, I can't believe that I am too tired to do the bridge railing. It's wide and 4 inches high. Maybe I'm not improving at all.
Oh, they are 20- 24 year olds. Wow. That's a relief.

Back to the routine.
Over the wooden fence- no hands, a little slow. I'll do better on the green one.
Yes. Perfectly over...SHIT! whew. That was a slippery landing. I'd have to be an idiot to try that again.
I guess I'm an idiot. Stuck that landing though, and let's throttle at 80% for a bit.
God, still too tired.
But I'm going to do those columns. Oh, hey, I could to that backwards wall jump to pullup that me and John did. Later.
Look at those benches. If I could somehow jump from the top to the top on the other side. Oooh, or maybe with a wallkick from the tree. No, that's waay too advanced for me.
Column time.
Or not. Meh, just a hop over those walls. Easy enough.
Hmm. I wonder. Can I still do that? I haven't been doing well in any other areas. Thirteen feet, should be easy enough.
Don't want to lose balance. Eh, falling into a dumpster, not a good idea. This is still pretty high. How will I get down? The Catcrawling skills over back to the original column. Ahh. This is a good seat. Good resting spot. Time to get down.
Oww. Feet. You never hurt me before. Why? Maybe it's these shoes. Need my blue ones next time.
Let's try that again. Oh, the easy way up the holes in the wall. Whatever. Back up top.
And down again. Still hurt a bit. Whatever. Let's go around the school.
Hmm. I wonder if anyone's watching me from the street. I guess I look like a vagrant. Hah, if they only knew.
I'm going over that railing. That was a soft landing. Oh, dirt. Up the stairs. With a little style. It never hurts except when it does. Over the rail again. Let's be a kid again and hop over those AC pipe thingys. Wow I must have looked dumb. Counteract that with a bit of ledge to ledge. That's always cool, God if i messed up that pipe would impale me.
Speaking of cool, should I try to progress on that front hand spring? Yes. I shall.
Oof. Just like last time.
No. I'm tired of this shit. If it says speed on the intro, I'll give them speed.
I'm putting my hand on that patch there.
I'ts a great start.
Almost there. It's now or never.