Sunday, January 30, 2011


So I havent updated in awhile. Far less than daily. Yeah, I know, shut up, I'm TYPING.
So this dinner Mom made a peach glazed porkchop that was utterly epic. I really can't describe how awesome it was. So I won't even try.

My AP classes are really killing me. Plus the whole plan for taking AP Computer Science was mucked up by the school's Cliche Bureaucracy Department, so I really have no idea what I can do about that.


This is Stupid.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

[ben@upstairs ~]$ python
Python 2.6.2 (r262:71600, Jun  4 2010, 18:28:04) 
[GCC 4.4.3 20100127 (Red Hat 4.4.3-4)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> compassion = 'Feeling and sympathizing'
>>> trust = 'Belief in one another'
>>> friendship = 'Companionship of others'
>>> support = 'Helping others bear burdens'
>>> love = (compassion == True)+(trust == True)+(friendship == True)+(support == True)
>>> print love

Monday, January 24, 2011

Talking with myself

Yeah, so looking at the blogs I unleashed into the world has given me a whole new insight into these people. Namely, nothing at all. Here's the lowdown:

Shelby channeled her inner split personality syndrome with a conversation with her gay muses(male on male, of course.). The content was great, but if I had to go Gollum on Blogger, here would be the formatting:

I would start in a blockquote like this. 
That sounds logical.
Holy shit, who the hell are you?
I'm that program you were working on.
O_o No fucking way. 
You sound like Mr. Spock. I don't even watch Star Trek! That's your name now, stupid program. Spock.
This was all your idea, demonstrating a conversation on a blog.
Screw you, you're a lump of sand and plastic. I AM YOUR MASTER. 
And so on. Note the difference in fonts and type faces, with the 'dominant'(aka not a gay dude) type being the default.


So. I need an award.

That was the ice on the front windshield this morning. Pretty cool.
So I am walking down the busport right now, and I totally passed a condom. Yeah. Just throw that crap away. Ih liek, fitty feet from teh do'. Come on. Ha, double entendre.
The rest of the day is just as weird.
First block I definitely had to steal a math book to look up how to graph rational functions(bluh) and I then made a complete freaking nerd of myself (sounds normal to me) by writing my notes in freaking Python. I bet none of your notes have Python. My notes are freaking binary compatible, bitch.
So, next block, Graphics Design:

John Egbert shows us how it's done, when 
he finds out that he is not drinking apple juice.
So I forgot my password. Now, this would normally be some normal thing, just go to the media center, ask to get your password changed, whoop de freaking do. But that was last Friday. TODAY i had to go down there after I tried every password I could and wait for the people to call Mr. Bailey over at the Board to get it changed because I am on the Internet watchlist. If you want to know, click the link.

Back? Good. I will never tell you. 

So today I was talking to Shelby about my blog and how I'm going to have large updates every day, so she made a blog over at Holy God This Coconut Is Huge (that's a mouthful)(DOUBLE ENTENDRE x2 COMBO!). So that got her friends to make a blog. So I have to mention all these people. 
What really scares me is that I have all this power over peers. Or that blogs are just a damn good idea.

So I need an award for:
  1. using my political superpowers for good and not evil
  2. putting up with general bullshit
  3. and existing.
This blog does not help the ego at all.

Omgosh, this is the 30th post. PARTY TIME!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Continuing the flurry of posts

As those of you who are reading this probably know, I just created an epic shitstorm of awesome new additions to here.

And I am still going to update daily.

Why is this here?

Back awhile ago,I started this blog. What was I thinking? Maybe I'm just crazy, but a regular blog attracts readers, and I get none. So regular updates now? Sounds good to me.

Friday was my birthday. It's been an interesting 17 years, and number 18 is coming down the road pretty fast, along with Senior year, Eagle, and the rest of my life.

Tell you the truth, I'm not ready.

But I can hopefully start off this last year of youth on the right foot with Springpad. It's been an enormous help for the first week, but time will tell if it can lasso in my disorganizational skills, which has so far defeated:

This should be able to keep me on track for daily posts.

Yep, you heard me. Daily. In the end, one's worth is measured by the effect one has on people. I hope I can do the same with this blog. 

So no more excuses. No more putting it off. It's time to do this thing.