Sunday, January 23, 2011

Why is this here?

Back awhile ago,I started this blog. What was I thinking? Maybe I'm just crazy, but a regular blog attracts readers, and I get none. So regular updates now? Sounds good to me.

Friday was my birthday. It's been an interesting 17 years, and number 18 is coming down the road pretty fast, along with Senior year, Eagle, and the rest of my life.

Tell you the truth, I'm not ready.

But I can hopefully start off this last year of youth on the right foot with Springpad. It's been an enormous help for the first week, but time will tell if it can lasso in my disorganizational skills, which has so far defeated:

This should be able to keep me on track for daily posts.

Yep, you heard me. Daily. In the end, one's worth is measured by the effect one has on people. I hope I can do the same with this blog. 

So no more excuses. No more putting it off. It's time to do this thing. 

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